For Helping Professionals

Meditation x Attachment™
Level One

A meditative approach to a more meaningful life.

Four Saturdays | 9am-1pm PT
March 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th

Led by George Haas, Founding Teacher of Mettagroup,
the Meditation x Attachment™ track focuses on remapping your native attachment conditioning, using meditation to strengthen your mentalization and emotional regulation capacities, and developing collaborative relationship skills. Level One is a meditation-based virtual group program for helping professionals designed to teach you how to earn security, heal your attachment conditioning, and prepare to support your students/clients on their healing journey.

The Level One is the first of five within the Meditation x Attachment track. In Level One, you’ll receive an overview of attachment theory, examining the attachment mechanism, the exploration mechanism and the collaborative relationship systems that are necessary for secure functioning.

This is about developing a foundational knowledge of attachment theory as well as the Buddhist philosophy and practices to earn secure attachment.

What’s Included In Level One

  • Four Live Immersive Virtual Group Sessions

    4 Live Sessions | 4 hours/session | Replays Provided

    We offer a blend of learning, practice and connection to help you engage the concepts and get on the path of healing.

    In each session, you’ll learn the psychological and meditative philosophy to support you in living a meaningful life. You’ll also receive live guided meditation to help you experientially integrate the framework, where we explore IPF (Idealized Parent-figure Protocol) as well as other techniques in real-time. You’ll get to share, connect, ask questions and integrate in a community setting, with facilitator guidance.

  • The Attachment Repair Meditation Library

    Healing and skill development requires consistent meditation practice (especially if you desire lasting impact).

    That’s why we offer a course library which includes the targeted guided meditations to support you in earning secure attachment, repairing old patterns, and cultivating greater compassion, equanimity and loving kindness.

  • Peer-to-Peer Practice Opportunities

    Collaboration skillfully is trainable.

    Throughout this group program, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in dyads with fellow students. This is designed to help you get a sense of how your attachment strategy is functioning. Not only that, but this type of connection gives you an opportunity to practice skillful collaboration.

We uniquely combine attachment theory with meditation.

Understanding attachment theory is the easiest mind blow, and here’s why.

Once you’ve gained an understanding of the concepts and differences between attachment styles, the difficulties you have in past relationships all start to make sense.

We combine the two ingredients of attachment and meditation. With meditation, we offer specific types of practices that guide in the attachment repair process. We then pair that with a psycho-educational approach to attachment theory. This winning combination is what has helped hundreds of our students (including myself) earn secure attachment and end so many of the patterns that once held us back.

Oftentimes, my students can’t believe they’ve waited so long to make these connections.

But the good news is, it’s not too late!


Meditation x Attachment
Level One

This live group program offers instruction in Buddhist theory, Attachment Theory, and in-depth meditation techniques, all designed to help you get your needs met, pursue your authentic passions, and emotionally regulate along the way. In this program, you’ll learn how to develop secure relationships, uproot past attachment conditioning, work through conflict resolution strategies. This program draws deeply on Daniel P. Brown's Ideal Parent-Figure (IPF) Attachment Protocol, and offers you space to develop empowering, reparative mental and somatic skills, while also tapping into a supportive community of people on the shard path of cultivating a meaningful life.

Heather Clague, MD

“Working through the Ideal Parent Figure Protocol with George Haas earned me attachment security and changed my life. The effect has been both subtle and profound. Things are just easier having Ideal Parent Figures at my back - I like myself more, I'm not so afraid to make mistakes, the world seems interesting instead of daunting. I can't say enough good things about George as a IPF facilitator and as a human being. He has walked this walk and offers his guidance out of integrity and love.”

  • “I had been meditating for some time before I discovered Mettagroup. My meditation was akin to sitting quietly in a room where a baby was crying, not doing anything about the baby, just attending to my breath. George’s proposal felt like standing up and taking care of the crying baby. Participating in the MXA level 2 was a way to commit to this approach, to get serious with the work. It’s serious stuff here. It’s taken a long time to comfort the baby, but there’s a peace now that I hadn’t experienced before.”

    -Lucia Calleja

  • “Taking part in the Level 2 attachment meditation course has given me insights into my relationships and behaviour patterns that were confusing and causing a lot of pain. Simply having the awareness of what is playing out has made a huge impact in my life, giving me more compassion for myself and the people I am surrounded by. My ability to track my own thoughts, and be aware of my impact on others is growing. At times I find myself to be less reactive and able to observe my interactions with people without the heat of intense emotions. I am forever grateful for this course and the understanding it has given me, alongside the hope.”

    - Kasen Auber

  • “I found the Mettagroup and George's Meditation X Attachment class at a very low point in my life. I was struggling to understand why I was unable to stop engaging in behaviors that were harmful. My frustration and disappointment with myself felt horrible. The series helped me to put my life and upbringing into context and understand what had led me to the painful place I was in. The meditation, combined with the classroom teachings, helped me to physically, mentally and spiritually heal and give myself grace. It was life-changing for me and I would encourage anyone who is living in despair and frustration to sign up and experience how great life can be.”

    -Marie M.

  • “Being a student of George's Level 1 and 2 Meditation Attachment classes has changed my life. Finally, I have a framework that explains my life to me and how I exist in this world, and how I can get better. It all makes sense now. After the classes and beginning the iPF facilitation sessions, I already see a difference in how I move through things -- how I see myself differently, what options are available to me, and how I can feel differently about things. In a word, it's been transformational, and I am deeply grateful to George and Daniel Brown.”

    -Margaret Phillips

A space for helping professionals to connect and grow.

✔️ Embodying the system allows you to be more supportive as a helping professional

It’s useful to understand through your own personal experience the process of changing attachment conditioning, so that you have that innate personal experience of doing it. That will then help you guide your clients and students in their own journey of attachment repair. Because Mettagroup offers a mentorship stance rather than expert or subordinate stance, you need to have walked the walk in order to be effective in transmitting it. In the workshop, we’ll share about upcoming opportunities to do your own attachment repair, learn the model and get on the path of sharing this system with your students/clients.

✔️ Learn, Grow, Connect and Integrate with Fellow Helping Professionals

Journey in this deep dive experience alongside fellow meditation trainers and teachers, healing arts practitioners, and mental health professionals who are committing to attachment repair. Tap into compassionate accountability and encouragement on this shared path in an encouraging, compassionate space.

✔️ Embrace Networking Opportunities

Connect with people on the path of collectively making an impact. Your next strategic partner may be in this room! Throughout this program, you’ll have opportunities to connect with each other, reflecting on how this work can support your students or clients and support your role as a helping professional.

About the 3 Pillars

Pillar #1

Remapping the Native Attachment Conditioning

We are conditioned beings. We make reality based on our experience of ourselves in the world. Our realities are based on the meaning we assign to our experience. In remapping, we change the meaning of what happened in the past, to be of use to us today. You’re unburdened by the meaning of the past, free to move forward in alignment with your values today.

The Problem
Confined by limiting beliefs about what you can and cannot have, we often go about our days not taking the things we want because we don’t believe we can have them. We repeat endlessly the conditions of our early life, believing that that’s all that’s possible for us.

The Possibility
Remapping the native attachment conditioning is designed to help us maintain supportive relationships that act as a secure base for our authentic exploration to live a meaningful life. For example, you can go from feeling deeply unworthy of the career that excites you (thus avoiding it all your life), to courageously pursuing that career with a sense of purpose, aliveness and hope.

Pillar #2

Mentalizing + Emotional Regulation

Strengthen your mentalizing skill and emotional regulation.

Mentalizing is essentially your capacity to monitor the dynamics of the exchange with someone else, so that you can keep within a range of secure communication. As a skill-set, mentalizing as an adult means that you can track the following four things continuously.

✔️Understanding what you want to communicate
✔️Expressing it in a way that the other person will understand what you’re attempting to communicate
✔️Tracking their reaction
✔️Modifying your understanding of the relationship based on their reaction

The Problem
Some of us with attachment disturbance didn’t develop this skill. So, we struggle with collaborating with others! This can lead to challenges at work, a lack of intimacy in relationship, or constant ruptures with little repair in your partnership. We can’t understand what other people are talking about, and we can’t get the sense that they understand us.

The Possibility
By learning how to effectively mentalize, you can collaborate with people (your romantic partner, friends, family, colleagues, and clients), in a way that makes you feel connected, seen and understood, delighted in, and even loved. This then opens to greater capacity and energy to explore.

Pillar #3


Strengthen your collaboration skills.

Collaboration in adult relationships is agreeing to take care of the needs of someone else, and their agreeing to take care of your needs. Collaborating in how each of you can do that for the other.

The Problem
Without strong collaboration skills, it’s hard to maintain intimate, supportive and reliable relationships - romantic, platonic, familial or professional. If you’re struggling to connect or can’t show up for others in a reciprocal way, then it’s hard (and even impossible) to apply your energy to meaningful pursuits around you (because you’re not receiving the emotional regulation from people that you need!)

The Possibility
Skillful collaboration directly impacts your capacity to explore what you find most meaningful. Why? If you have solid relationships, people you can depend on and call upon when you’re struggling, you’ll be able to go out into the world and try new things, take meaningful risks. Your ticket to deep exploration truly depends on your collaboration skills (and your capacity to be emotionally regulated by trusted people in your life).

Get ready for a deep immersion in what it takes to earn security. This track offers you a blend of learning key concepts across attachment theory and meditation, while also practicing the techniques in a supportive group.

“I just want to share, that it's been six years, a big journey, a big journey.

But guess what? I've earned secure. Today I found out that I've earned secure. I know a lot of you won't know what that means, but some of you might. I got my attachment assessment inventory back today and I'm secure. I'm better than I've ever been.”

-Sia, Pop Star

The Details

In Level One, you’ll receive:

Four Live Group Classes
Saturdays | 9am - 1pm
Program Dates:
March 8th
March 15th
March 22nd
March 29th

Replays included

In Level One, you’ll also receive a Mindful Map

Mettagroup | Offer Stack | Map 1.png

Learn how to read people’s responses based on attachment.


Are you confused and frustrated when you talk to your partner, family members, friends or colleagues, boggled by their responses?

Are you tired of feeling misunderstood? Is being protective or defensive starting to feel old?

This Mindful Map will teach you:

  • How to take people’s responses less personally and understand people better.

  • By understanding attachment strategies and the common communication patterns associated with each attachment style, you can participate in relationship with more compassion, openness, and equanimity. You can engage with more patience, self-awareness and influence.

  • How to manage your expectations, and to assess alignment EARLY on in a relationship, so that you don’t make a decision too soon or get too involved too fast. (If you typically rush into intimacy, you’ll LOVE this resource.

Rest assured: it’s not personal. It’s attachment. I’ll walk you through the guide so that you can start to apply this knowledge in your relationships across all areas of your life - both personal and professional.

Join Level One Today


You’ll receive:

  • Access to the Level One live virtual group classes Saturdays from 9am - 1pm on 3/8, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29

  • All replays

  • Guided Meditation Library (practice anytime, anywhere)

  • The Mindful Map: Learn how to read people’s responses based on attachment.

    Click below to sign up. You can choose from a pay-in-full option, or a payment plan.

Ready to go all in?

Join our Limited-Time Special Package of Level One and Level Two

SAVE $147 when you join by March 8th!


You’ll receive:

  • Access to the Level One live virtual weekly group classes Saturdays from 9am - 1pm on
    May 8th to 29th (plus replays)

  • Access to Level Two - 12 live virtual group sessions April 17th to October 2nd, 2025 (plus replays)

  • Guided Meditation Library (practice anytime, anywhere)

  • Mindful Map: Learn how to read people’s responses based on attachment

  • Plus you’ll receive private mentorship 1.1 sessions with George Haas (IPF or Meditation)

Meditation x Attachment Is For You If

You’re a helping professional who is interested in doing first-hand attachment repair and want to learn how to bring the Mettagroup Method to your students or clients. What’s the path for embodying the system and sharing it with others?

You have a private practice
(or are interested in building a private practice)

You’re in the public mental health sector
and want to pivot to the private practice model

You’re teaching on the spiritual path and are looking for preliminary practices
that will aid your students in going deep.

You’re ready to end dysfunctional patterns
and you’re ready to develop new habits, more meaningful connections and heal once and for all.

You want to understand how to help your students or clients do the preliminary attachment repair work, so that they can gain more momentum on their healing journey
At Mettagroup, we offer a preliminary practice, where you do the attachment repair work first. Once you resolve the attachment disturbances, then therapy can progress to support interpersonal relationships and exploration of meaning. 

About IPF

Ideal Parent-Figure Protocol is a visualization meditation where you depict totally ideal parent-child interactions, which can be used to make meaning of the present moment. It turns out that the mind doesn’t care whether something happened to you, or whether you imagine it happening in order to create meaning. So, we can take the difficult experiences of our past, reimagine them in a positive light, so that our expectation of what is going to happen can change from rejection to acceptance, from terrible to ideal.

This doesn’t guarantee we’ll always get a good outcome, but we won’t stomp around the planet mad that it’s always going to be terrible. We’ll actually be open to something good happening. Then, if and when good things DO come our way, we will be able to receive those opportunities with openness, curiosity and a sense of worthiness.

In Dan Brown’s research, he found that it takes between 40 and 150 sessions to move from insecure or disorganized attachment to earned secure.

In Level One, you’ll receive an introduction to this type of meditation.

I’m George Haas, and I’m glad you’re here.

I’m Founding Teacher of Mettagroup, an organization committed to helping people heal their attachment injury, be more secure and live a truly meaningful life.

I had a lot of difficulties in my early life, and there was no way to get people to help me with them.

Today, my main drive in offering the Meditation x Attachment program series is simple…

It’s payback. Not the revenge-type. My mission today is to pay it forward, honoring the people who helped me save my life.

Over the last 40 years, I have accumulated this knowledge about how to heal attachment injury (through both learning and experience). My mission in this program (and at Mettagroup at large) is to share this blueprint in a distilled, manageable way so that people don’t need to go through years of confusion and suffering like I did.

Within 40 to 150 sessions, studies show that you can go from insecure attachment to securely attached. That’s profound, swift results (we’re talking ~ 3 years). I spent most of my life (5 decades) exhaustively exploring all the wrong paths, so it’s my true honor to share what’s worked for me and hundreds of my clients, with long-lasting and life-enhancing effects.

“His experience as a meditation teacher and practitioner and as an expert in Ideal Parent Figure protocol, combined with his warmth as a human being and the way that Metta Group systematizes and structures the journey from insecure to secure attachment makes the Meditation X Attachment Level Two a vital experience for anyone who is serious about their growth and healing in this area.  I've never had so many moments thinking "that is exactly what I am going through" or "wow, finally I'm hearing what I've always felt but could never quite put words to."  If you're on the fence, allow yourself to take the healthy exploration and sign up.”

- Aasheesh Paliwal

“There is no one on earth who explains attachment theory and gives a clear roadmap for how to repair insecure attachment and build healthy self esteem better than George Haas.” 

Rose Bostick, Unified Mindfulness Coach and Trainer

“I took George’s course - Meditation X Attachment Level Two - a year ago and was truly uplifted by George’s generosity, openness, and dedication to his students throughout the course. Immediately, George established a safe environment for sharing and mutual acceptance. The course itself was an empowering mix of meditation and compassionate practices deftly interwoven in with Attachment theory-oriented meditation exercises. I found the course to be very helpful to my personal growth as a meditation trainer and certainly a healing journey. In gratitude, George!”

Help your clients access long-lasting healing by getting to the root.

The Mettagroup Method is about changing someone’s native attachment strategy to earn security. The attachment work is foundational, because attachment disturbances are the source of the main difficulties in people’s lives. When they’re unattended to, people are unable to resolve the difficulties in their lives (resulting in months, years or decades of therapy without significant or long term healing).

“I found that your teaching provided me with essential tools in my meditation practice: namely the development of sensory clarity, dismantling of self-generated anger, and the development of an equanimity practice.”

“Your teaching style is the perfect balance of profound insight, fascinating science, and extra dry martini humor.”

Scotty Atkinson

Walk away with

✔️ A community of industry peers to go on this meaningful journey of learning and healing with. Expand your network and tap into depth of connection in a compassionate, supportive space.

✔️ Exploring in a primary way, so that your life feels meaningful and fulfilling.

✔️ A deep understanding of attachment conditioning for each attachment strategy - from secure, to dismissive, disorganized, anxious-preoccupied, and more.

✔️ Hope and newfound access to the possibilities that live within your own healing and repair journey.

✔️ An understanding of how people with different attachment conditioning can optimally interact with each other.

✔️ Learn how to help the people in your life (loved ones, colleagues, friends) emotionally regulate when they get disregulated. The path to being truly supportive and collaborative!

✔️Take other people’s behavior less personally (resulting in less suffering)

✔️Learn the red flags and green flags to look out for in relationship (and choose to invest time and energy into people who energize you)

✔️Learn how repair and deepen the relationships you already have (by moving your existing relationships toward secure functioning).

✔️ Open to new explorations, new people, new possibilities, new relationships that reciprocally feel supportive and satisfying.

✔️ Understanding the dynamics of collaborative relationship systems, where you’re taken care of in a way that you want to be taken care, and where you can take care other someone else in a way that they want to be taken care of.

✔️ A sense of belonging. Throughout Level Two, you’ll be learning, practicing and integrating within a supportive community space and with teacher support from George Haas and teaching assistants.

“Mettagroup's Level 2 course offered me new ways to understand my life and my emotional habits. I now see more clearly how my early experiences shaped the course of my life and relationships, and the practices George teaches have helped me to more directly experience and understand my emotions. Many of my relationships have been shot through with an anxiety that got in the way of more satisfying forms of connection, and while I still have a ways to go, I've made a lot of progress in a short time in transforming that anxiety into intimacy. I'd recommend this course to anyone who has struggled to find peace and stability in romantic relationships and other important relationships in their life.”

- Chris Loar

What our clients are reporting

Clarity (and a lot of it)

Clients report having a deeper clarity of self, which offers relief, acceptance and feeling understood. Not only that, but they also report having clarity of their attachment disturbances and what triggers them, which allows them to navigate life more intentionally and discontinue the harmful patterns that once ran the show.

Higher Self-Acceptance + Confidence

The capacity to accept oneself for one’s full humanity begins more and more available. This allows for the releasing of perfectionism, seeking validation from others, and proximity seeking behavior that oftentimes holds many people back who are insecurely attached.

More Empowered

With clarity and the tools to skillfully live and relate to others, our clients feel more empowered in their life, relationships and career. They know what situations may trip them up, or what types of behaviors activate their attachment strategies. This results in higher self-agency to make choices that support one’s wellbeing, and meet one’s needs more (all needed in order to live that meaningful life).

More Authentic Self-Expression + Access to Purpose

Our clients feel free to express themselves authentically (and find their own portal of expression). An ALIVENESS is untapped, along with greater energy, inspiration and motivation. They tap into their unique sense of purpose, courageously pursuing it (for some, it’s the first time in their lives!)

Courageously set boundaries

Our clients report that they can now set boundaries, stemming from the self-clarity, self-agency and empowerment they now embody. Saying an aligned ‘no’ is easier to do (without being overcome by guilt, shame, or self-abandoning behavior). They start to choose aligned opportunities more and more, whether that’s a roadtrip that’s been calling out to them, or the new job that truly meets their vision and needs.

Connection + Relationships Thrive

Collaboration becomes easier and more manageable, whether they’re engaging with their team, colleagues, clients, or even family, friends, and romantic partner. Our clients report a sense of ‘belonging’ that becomes available (no longer feeling ‘other’ or outside in relationships). Whether you’re desiring a deeper connection, to be more heart-open, or to be more influential or impact at work, all of these elements enhance.

The Results

Here’s what Mettagroup students are experiencing after going through the Meditation x Attachment track.

- Earning security -

- More fulfilling relationships and deeper connections -

- Newfound access to a wellspring of support (from others, as well as within yourself) -

- Greater energy, curiosity and inspiration to live your most authentic life -

- Relationships enhance your fulfillment, rather than leaving you feeling depleted and unfulfilled -

- Being authentic (without a paralyzing fear of rejection holding you back) -

- Willing to truly get your needs met (and you believe that you’re worth it) -

- Capacity to go explore meaningful endeavors with greater courage, trust and resilience -

  • “Working with George Haas and Mettagroup was the best decision of my life. In under four years I moved from a highly disorganized attachment style to earned security. Now my days have a sense of happiness and purpose that I never thought was possible before. I’d recommend George to anyone.”

    -Evan Leed

  • “George’s work has changed my life high and low. My days go smoother and the years are stuffed with meaning, like happy little sausages, now that I can get out of my own way. My only annoyance is I didn’t start sooner, but I take comfort with the idea that Security is like Confidence…it’s more interesting when it’s earned!”

    -Jon Chalkley

  • “George's masterful distillation and unification of highly advanced concepts from meditation and attachment theory opened my eyes to deeper layers of myself in need of understanding and healing. This curriculum has opened doors to personal and professional opportunities I never dreamed possible. George's consistent kindness and compassion, coupled with his wealth of knowledge and deep understanding of practice place him in a category of his own. Please take this course, and apply yourself to these practices! Your future self will thank you!”

    -Michael Holt

Schedule a Free Consult Call

Schedule a call with the Mettagroup team to ensure that this program is the right fit for you, and to ask any questions you have at this time. Click below to schedule a free consultation call.


  • Yes, Meditation x Attachment Level One and Two are required in order to receive certification. We recommend completing Level One and Two in a live version of the program.

    For more about our Certification Program, click here.

  • No problem! While we do strongly recommend that you attend as many live sessions as you can, we understand that life happens. You will have access to all session replays for life. These will be sent to you after each live session, and will be housed in an online course for easy access.

  • No, private mentorship is not included in the Level One Program.

    If you’re interested in private mentorship, please join the Level One + Two combination program (while spots are available). George Haas will be your private mentor throughout your time in the Level Two program, if you join the tier that includes private mentorship.

  • FAQ answer

  • Commonly referred to as "mindfulness," Vipassanā meditation is focused on living more peacefully, compassionately and wisely. Derived from the Theravada school of Buddhism, the techniques are widely acknowledged as effective ways to manage pain, stress, compulsiveness and are often used in conjunction with psychotherapy.

  • Many of our clients feel this way when they arrive. We invite you to explore the possibilities that live in the Mettagroup approach. If you’re open to practicing meditation and exploring attachment theory more fully, then this is a good fit for you. This approach does require effort, but if you’re willing to put in the time, energy and resource, then it can truly be worth it.

  • You have access for life.

  • No. We cannot tell you what your attachment strategy is without an Adult Attachment Interview.

    This is not included in Meditation x Attachment Level Two program, but is available for purchase separately. Click here to reach out and sign up for an Adult Attachment Interview.

  • No. This is a meditation-based program that requires consistent effort and practice, so it will not work unless you’re willing to practice.

Join Today

Begin your attachment repair journey alongside supportive helping professionals like yourself. We begin March 8th!